Wallet Manager API

General API information

The Wallet Manager API that serves for creating and managing Your wallet:

  • Registration and account management

  • Cryptocurrency buy/sell orders

  • Working with external wallets

  • Ability to update rate information

HTTP Return Codes

  • HTTP 4XX return codes are used for malformed requests;

    the issue is on the sender's side.

  • HTTP 400 return code is used when the WAF Limit (Web Application Firewall) has been violated.

  • HTTP 404 return code is used when requested data not found.

  • HTTP 408 return code is used when request timeout exceeded.

  • HTTP 5XX return codes are used for internal errors; the issue is on

    Zam's side.

    It is important to NOT treat this as a failure operation; the execution status is

    UNKNOWN and could have been a success.

  • HTTP 500 return code is used when internal server error occured.

  • HTTP 503 return code is used when requested service is unreachable.

Error Codes

  • Any endpoint can return an ERROR

Sample Payload below:

 "meta": {
  "status": "OK",
  "message": "ERROR - Authorization error"
 "data": {}

Common response parts

The response always consist of two objects meta and data.

The meta object has two parameters status that could be "OK" or "ERROR" and message with status describtion values: "SUCCESS" "Not found" and etc.. data object will contain either no object or response's payload.

API methods

The API contains wallet management methods such as account administration, ordering transactions, adding/deleting external wallets and etc..

Account management requests

New User registration

New user registration request.

Request type and URL:

POST https://zam.io/api/auth

Request parameters:

Request example:

      "phone": "0647744360",
      "fullName": "Name Surname",
      "refCode": "{referral code}",
       "phone": "0647744360"

Response parameters:

Response example:

      "status": "OK",
      "message": "Success"
      "passportMessage": "Passport phrase",
       "id": "173e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426624174000",
       "name": "Security agreement",
       "url": "/api/auth/documents/173e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000"

Password change

Simple password change request.

Request type and URL:

POST https://zam.io/api/auth/change

Request parameters:

Request example:

     "oldPassword": "839a54bf20626e4942bc8f11873f0654",
     "newPassword": "fb29ed3264c5a92bcf74eccd7489e828"

Response example:

      "status": "OK",
      "message": "Success"

Request for security agreements

Security agreement for user to accept.

Request type and URL:

 GET https://zam.io/api/auth/documents/:documentId

The response returns security agreement file to download.

Delete account

Request to delete authorized account.

Request type and URL:

DELETE https://zam.io/api/auth/delete

Response example:

 "meta": {
  "status": "OK",
  "message": "Success"
 "data": {}

Generate private key

Request for Zam wallet's private key generation

Request type and URL:

GET https://zam.io/api/auth/privateKey

Response parameters:

Response example:

 "meta": {
  "status": "OK",
  "message": "Success"
 "data": {
  "privateKey": "bd0c8e3bd998a500b0984584a7245ca0"

Update token

Request for authorization token.

Request type and URL:

POST https://zam.io/api/auth/token

Request parameters:

Request example:

    "token": "94a08da1fecbb6e8b46990538c7b50b2",
    "deviceId": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000",
    "login": "UserName",
    "password": "fb29ed3264c5a92bcf74eccd7489e828"

Response parameters:

Response example:

 "meta": {
  "status": "OK",
  "message": "Success"
 "data": {
  "token": "94a08da1fecbb6e8b46990538c7b50b2",
  "agreement": {
   "id": "173e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426624174000",
   "name": "Security agreement",
   "url": "/api/auth/documents/173e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000"

Order requests

Request for transaction order generation

Request for transaction order to buy/sell cryptocurrency. Headers of request are described below Here should be table

Request parameters:

Request type and URL:

GET https://zam.io/api/order?priority=MEDIUM&blockchainFrom=string&blockchainTo=string&addressContractFrom=string&addressContractTo=string&adressFrom=string&addressTo=string&amount=string&paymentRestrictionTransaction=string

Response parameters:

Response example:

 "meta": {
  "status": "OK",
  "message": "Success"
 "data": {
  "blockchainFrom": "",
  "blockchainTo": "",
  "addressTo": "",
  "amount": "34.00",
  "dateCreate": "1947-04-26T15:41:07.646Z",
  "addressContractFrom": "",
  "addressContractTo": "",
  "adressFrom": "",
  "currency": "USD"

Order for cryptocurrency buy

The buy operation that follows after receiving transaction order.

Request parameters:

Request type and URL:

PUT https://zam.io/api/order/purchase?priority=MEDIUM&blockchainTo=string&addressContractTo=string&addressTo=string&amount=string&paymentRestrictionTransaction=string

Response parameters:

Response example:

 "meta": {
  "status": "OK",
  "message": "Success"
 "data": {
  "blockchainTo": "",
  "addressTo": "",
  "amount": "34.00",
  "dateCreate": "1947-04-26T15:41:07.646Z",
  "order": "",
  "addressContractTo": "",
  "currency": "USD"

Order for cryptocurrency sell

The sell operation that follows after receiving transaction order. FPS - Fast Payment System

Request type and URL:

PUT https://zam.io/api/order/sale?priority=MEDIUM&blockchainFrom=string&blockchainTo=string&addressContractFrom=string&addressContractTo=string&adressFrom=string&addressTo=string&amount=string&paymentRestrictionTransaction=string

Request parameters:

Request example:

    "spbPhone1": "",
    "spbName1": "",
    "visaCardNumber2": "0000 0000 0000 0000",
    "visaName2": "Name Surname",
    "masterCardNumber3": "0000 0000 0000 0000",
    "masterName3": "Name Surname",
    "bankAccountPaymentAccount4": "",
    "bankAccountBIK4": "",
    "bankAccountName4": ""

Response parameters:

Response example:

 "meta": {
  "status": "OK",
  "message": "Success"
 "data": {
  "blockchainFrom": "",
  "blockchainTo": "",
  "addressTo": "",
  "amount": "34.00",
  "dateCreate": "1947-04-26T15:41:07.646Z",
  "addressContractFrom": "",
  "addressContractTo": "",
  "adressFrom": "",
  "currency": "USD"

Enable or Disable external wallets

Enable external wallet

Request for adding external wallet.

Request type and URL:

POST https://zam.io/api/otherCrypto

Request parameters:

Request example:

 "blockchain": "Zam",
 "addressContract": "",
 "adress": ""

Response example:

 "meta": {
  "status": "OK",
  "message": "Success"
 "data": {}

Disable external wallet

Request to disable external wallet. Headers are described below.

Request parameters:

Request type and URL:

DELETE https://zam.io/api/otherCrypto?blockchain=string&addressContract=string&address=string

Response example:

 "meta": {
  "status": "OK",
  "message": "Success"
 "data": {}

Request for rate information

Get top50 cryptocurrenies' information

Request for top 50 crypto currencies with currency to Zam/dollar rate.

Request type and URL:

GET https://zam.io/api/rate

Response is an object array of currencies' describtions and rate data. Parameters:

Response example:

 "meta": {
  "status": "OK",
  "message": "Success"
 "data": [
   "blockchain": "BTC",
   "address": "",
   "currency": "BTC",
   "rateToDollar": "100000.00",
   "rateToZam": "0.5",
   "amount": "34.5",
   "dateRate": "1947-04-26T15:41:07.646Z",
   "addressContract": ""
   "blockchain": "ETH",
   "address": "",
   "currency": "BTC",
   "rateToDollar": "200",
   "rateToZam": "0.005",
   "amount": "34.5",
   "dateRate": "1947-04-26T15:41:07.646Z",
   "addressContract": ""

Selected cryptocurrency to dollar rate

Gets rate to dollar. Headers are described below.

Request parameters:

Request type and URL:

GET https://zam.io/api/rate/dollar?currency=string&blockchain=string&addressContract=string

Response parameters:

Response example:

 "meta": {
  "status": "OK",
  "message": "Success"
  "blockchain": "ETH",
  "address": "",
  "currency": "BTC",
  "rateToDollar": "200",
  "rateToZam": "0.005",
  "amount": "34.5",
  "dateRate": "1947-04-26T15:41:07.646Z",
  "addressContract": ""

Selected cryptocurrency to Zam rate

Gets rate to Zam. Headers are described below.

Request parameters:

Request type and URL:

GET https://zam.io/api/rate/zam?currency=string&blockchain=string&addressContract=do dipisicing

Response parameters:

Response example:

 "meta": {
  "status": "OK",
  "message": "Success"
  "blockchain": "ETH",
  "address": "",
  "currency": "BTC",
  "rateToDollar": "200",
  "rateToZam": "0.005",
  "amount": "34.5",
  "dateRate": "1947-04-26T15:41:07.646Z",
  "addressContract": ""

Amount information

Balance check on all connected wallets

Request for balance information on all enabled wallets.

Request type and URL:

GET https://zam.io/api/amount

Request is an array of objects that describes wallet data. Parameters:

Response parameters:

Response example:

 "meta": {
  "status": "OK",
  "message": "Success"
 "data": [
   "blockchain": "BTC",
   "address": "",
   "currency": "BTC",
   "amount": "34.56",
   "addressContract": ""
   "blockchain": "Zam",
   "address": "",
   "currency": "Zam",
   "amount": "34.56",
   "addressContract": ""


Transaction history for selected wallet

Request type and URL:

GET https://zam.io/api/history

Response example:

 "meta": {
  "status": "OK",
  "message": "Success"
 "data": [
   "blockchainFrom": "BTC",
   "blockchainTo": "Zam",
   "addressTo": "",
   "amount": "34.56",
   "commission": [
     "paymentTransaction": "",
     "commissionTransaction": ""
     "paymentTransaction": "",
     "commissionTransaction": ""
   "dateCreate": "1947-04-26T15:41:07.646Z",
   "dateConfirm": "1947-04-26T15:41:07.646Z",
   "addressContractFrom": "",
   "addressContractTo": "",
   "adressFrom": "",
   "currency": ""
   "blockchainFrom": "ETH",
   "blockchainTo": "Zam",
   "addressTo": "",
   "amount": "34.56",
   "commission": [
     "paymentTransaction": "",
     "commissionTransaction": ""
     "paymentTransaction": "",
     "commissionTransaction": ""
   "dateCreate": "1947-04-26T15:41:07.646Z",
   "dateConfirm": "1947-04-26T15:41:07.646Z",
   "addressContractFrom": "",
   "addressContractTo": "",
   "adressFrom": "",
   "currency": ""

Notifications management

Update notifications

Request type and URL:

GET https://zam.io/api/notifications?offset=0&limit=10

Response example:

 "meta": {
  "status": "OK",
  "message": "Success"
 "data": {
  "notifications": [
    "title": "Money purchase",
    "text": "2.1 ETH were purchased to Your wallet (address ...), from address ... в 09:02:57 18.06.2021y.",
    "date": "2020-10-05T10:04:07.666Z",
    "read": true
    "title": "Money purchase",
    "text": "2.1 ETH were purchased to Your wallet (address ...), from address ... в 09:02:57 18.06.2021y.",
    "date": "1947-04-26T15:41:07.646Z",
    "read": true
  "pagination": {
   "offset": 0,
   "limit": 10,
   "total": 100

Calculation requests

Transaction information request

Request to get approximate rate and cost of transaction. Headers are described below.

Request parameters:

Request type and URL:

GET https://zam.io/api/calculation?priority=MEDIUM&blockchainFrom=string&blockchainTo=string&addressContractFrom=string&addressContractTo=string&adressFrom=string&addressTo=string&amount=string&paymentRestrictionTransaction=string

Response example:

 "meta": {
  "status": "OK",
  "message": "Success"
 "data": {
  "blockchainFrom": "",
  "blockchainTo": "",
  "addressTo": "",
  "amount": "",
  "commission": [
    "paymentTransaction": "",
    "commissionTransaction": ""
    "paymentTransaction": "",
    "commissionTransaction": ""
  "dateActual": "1947-04-26T15:41:07.646Z",
  "addressContractFrom": "",
  "addressContractTo": "",
  "adressFrom": "",
  "currency": ""

Last updated